Islamic Group Supported by Obama Admin Beheads 12 Year Old Boy

Islamic Group Supported by Obama Admin Beheads 12 Year Old Boy

Once again Obama’s global pals indulge themselves with the cruelest forms of barbarism. In this case they beheaded a 12 year old Palestinian boy.

The group responsible for this atrocity is Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki. This radical group is involved in the civil war in Syria.  In 2014-15  it was part of the Command Council of  Syrian revolutionaries.  President Obama supplied his pals with  U.S.-made  anti-tank missiles.  This  group is one of the most egregios rebel factions in Aleppo.

Find out more about this atrocious group  and  see the video on the next page.

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Islamic Group Supported by Obama Admin Beheads 12 Year Old Boy