With all of the chaos and violence that’s accompanied the racially heated events in the United States over the past few years, is it really a stretch to believe that ISIS might have had a hand in some of it? While immigration has become a major talking point in the 2016 presidential debates, current policies have not only laid out the welcome mat for those crossing the border illegally, but also for members of ISIS, who have already made their presence known, but have gone ignored by the Obama Administration.
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They’ve already begun bombings in las cruces nm
Ooh I’m scared.
Islam. The only religion to find cartoons offensive but not murder, child abuse, rape, pedophilia, genocide, torture, infanticide, $#%&!@*, $#%&!@*, genital mutilation, slavery, beating their wives, burning people alive, killing infants/ children, destroying churches/ temples/ artifacts , multiple wives, no music/ phones ISIS/ make-up or other religions
* Destroy Mecca/ if need be!~
1.) Kill any one who insults Islam or Moham-mad. (Koran.33;57-61).
2.) Kill all Muslims who leave Islam. (Koran.2;217/4;89/Bukhari.9;84-57).
3.) Koran can not be doubted. (Koran.2;1).
4.) Islam is the only acceptable religion. (Koran.3;85).
5.) Muslims must fight (jihad) to non-Muslims, even if they don’t want to. (Koran.2;216).
6.) We the non-Muslims are pigs and apes. (Koran. 2;62-65/Koran.5;59-60/Koran.7;166).
7.) We the non-Muslims cannot be friends with Muslims. (Koran.5;51).
8.) We the non-Muslims sworn enemies of Muslims and Islam. (Koran.4;101).
9.) We the non-Muslims can be raped as sex slave. (Koran.4;3 & 24/5;89/23;5/33;50/58;3/70;30).
10.) We the non-Muslims the vilest of creatures deserving no mercy. (Koran.98;6).
11.) Muslim must terrorized us (non-Muslims). (Koran.8;12 &59-60/ Bukhari.4;52;220).
12.) Muslims must strike terror into non-Muslims hearts. (Koran.8;60).
13.) Muslims must lie to us (non-Muslims) to strengthen and spread Islam. (Koran.3;28?16;106).
14.) Muslims are allowed to behead us (non_Muslims) (Koran.47;4).
15.) Muslims are guaranteed to go to heaven if they kill us (non-Muslims). (Koran.9;111).
16.) Marrying and divorcing pre-$#%&!@*scent children is OK. (Koran.65;4).
17.) Wife beating is OK. (Koran.4;34).
18.) Raping wives is OK. (Koran.2;223).
19.) Proving rape requires 4 (four) male Muslim witnesses. (Koran.24;13).
20.) Muslims are allowed to crucify and amputate us (non-Muslims). Koran.8;12/47;4).
I’d be just as worried about DHS as ISIS at this point. But, I really believe ISIS and Louis Farakhan are working on an alliance.
Farrakhan- is the leader of it!
Dump people never change
Thank you Brandon, nicely done!
Im testing too…. And Im READY to ” Play”
Have they ever thought of just telling obama they are coming? He welcomes all.