The FBI is allopwing a pedophile and known terrorist walk free in order to use him as an informant.
Karakrah is a logistics and transportation operative for militant Islamists in the United States, according to high-level law enforcement sources. He moves people, weapons, explosives, drugs, money, and other materiel to terrorist cells operating in Chicago, Brooklyn, New York and Saddle Brook, New Jersey, among other locations across the United States. More than a decade ago Karakrah smuggled drugs and weapons for the Juarez drug cartel in Mexico. In July of 2014, he was on a supply run to a militant Islamist cell operating out of a basement in Brooklyn, law enforcement sources told Judicial Watch. Before moving to Chicago sometime in 2011, Karakrah lived in Anthony, New Mexico and a suburb of El Paso. His ex-wife and two children remain in the El Paso area. In 1999 Karakrah pleaded guilty to felony “Criminal Sexual Penetration of a Child, Ages 13-16” as well as a related conspiracy charge, according to public records. Law enforcement sources characterize Karakrah as a “dangerous, crazy thug.”
What we do know for sure is that Karakrah is dangerous and so are his business associates, which include two of the FBI’s “most wanted” terrorists, Jaber A. Elbaneh and Adnan Gulshair el Shukrijumah (a/k/a: “Javier Robles”). In December, 2014 Shukrijumah was killed in a Pakistani Army raid in the northwestern territory of Pakistan. Another key associate, Hector Pedroza Huerta, is a twice-deported illegal immigrant who has been convicted of driving under the influence three times. After getting arrested for his third DUI last year in El Paso, Huerta received a sweat heart plea deal of 15 months with no deportation or supervised release. His court record has been restricted so details of his arrangement with the feds are not available to the public.
Source: Judicial Watch
Without supervision it would be difficult to tell what business Mr. Karakrah would be up to and who else he may be harming. Without knowing the secretive details of the FBI’s investigation, however, it is impossible to say the value of this informant’s information. Which leads one to ask how wide is the gray area that a pedophile terrorist can be considered “safe?”
Death penalty no plea bargain for terrorism!!!
Which gun law would have protected these children…none only a teacher or security with a gun to stop the mad man who is the One who killed.these children. No one listens to your playing the race card it is irrevelant.
This treasonous Obama Administration, MUST GO, NOW!!!!!