The Conservative Post notes that the British volunteer teachers were probably singled out because they were white, or Christian, or educating women, or not dressed in a proper burka, or, well…does it really matter with Muslim fundamentalists? Women are no better than cattle in Sharia Law. Anything can be done to them and it is OK by Allah.
The suspected militants, who are allegedly members of an extremist sect allied to Boko Haram, appeared in court accused of the offence, according to a Tanzanian politician Abdulrahman Kinana. He said the men belonged to Uamsho – which translates as ‘The Awakening’ – which is a group with known links to Nigerian Islamist extremists Boko Haram.
Source: Conservative Post
Boko Haram has pledged its allegiance to the hate group ISIS and has been included as part of its so-called caliphate.
The two men have now “been charged in court.”
Let us hope their punishment fits the crime.
Islam is a brainwashing CULT.
They worship satanism !