This week Russia confirmed news already known by intelligence agencies around the world. The downed Russian plane that exploded in October was indeed taken down by a bomb, and that bomb was planted by ISIS.
This news may have finally motivated Russia to attack ISIS as a primary target, rather than other rebel groups attacking their beloved Assad.
Russia has, for the past several days, been attacking ISIS strongholds and strategic outposts in an effort to cripple the terrorist organizations military might.
It seems killing Americans, Christians, and Parisians wasn’t enough to motivate Putin’s Air Force, but nonetheless, Russia now seems to be on board with the primary idea that ISIS continues to be the dominant threat in the Middle East.
Information about the Russians’ attacks on ISIS can be found on the next page:
I, a citizen of The United States of America, am calling for the arrest and trial of Barack Hussein Obama for treason, under Article 3 of the United States Constitution for aiding and giving comfort to our enemies…I don’t care if it takes 5 years. Do it today to send the message. If you agree, please copy and repost!!!
Good for Russia at least not playing games like Oboma.
ISIS is advancing their capabilities, and are a force to be reckoned with. they are going to gain an advantage with their new air force.
ha ha…bet they will find themselves in something hotter than the desert without a virgin in sight.
Just who wants 72 virgins ??? They must be stupid ….i want 72 hot hookers
No training involved that way
Everybody needs to pray pray for them dummies
Don’t they know that M 72 virgins are males
ita good start no again till they are no more ever again.
Who knew Putin, that commie bully would become our hero?
Russia will win this war for a change whilst America watches from the side lines.