ISIS militants seized 90% of the western Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi on Thursday, which is located only a few miles from an air base containing 320 Marines.
This is quite ‘in your face’ and serves to indicate just how much we are losing ground with a much inferior enemy.
What will you do when these militants amass enough fighters to mount a sufficient attack on our base, Mr. President?
A good commander in chief would order an air strike and law waste the whole town before they had a chance to do anything but given Obamas track record he will play golf .
I think a win for our team.
do th edirty deed wipe them out , if th epresident wont say to, arrest him, he is for the ISIS
Obama won’t do anything HE’S evil as they come
He’ll FUND THEM some more !!!!!
They need to be wiped out. Obama should be arrested for not taking care of these terrorist.
Obama will let it happen
Do something obama
Obama doesn’t WANT the Marines to succeed—he WANTS the entire American military to fail, that way he can allow the muslim militants to come in and take over.