The San Bernardino massacre is being called the worst terrorist attack in the United States since 9/11. With the investigation still underway, it’s becoming clear that ISIS isn’t as far away as we thought, and President Obama doesn’t have ISIS as contained as he thought. In a special report following the ISIS attacks in Paris, the Threat Knowledge Group claimed to have “key evidence” that ISIS has recruits in the United States with the intent to carry out domestic attacks in America.
It would seem that 82 individuals in the United States affiliated with ISIS have been contacted by law enforcement since March of 2014, this includes seven unnamed minors and four who have been killed in the course of attacks. And it doesn’t stop there. Ahmad Musa Jibril, an Arab-American Islamist preacher living in Dearborn, Michigan, had 38,000 Twitter followers before his site went silent. Of that number, the International Center for the Study of Radicalization found that 60% were foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria. Their presence is real.
Read more about this threat on the next page.
Obama want’s to let more into our Country?
I believe it’s fear of Obama.
Nothing religious about it . Its all about hate and control. Satans minions
ME EITHER!!! WHO IS IN THE WHITE HOUSE IS THE FIRST DOG REALLY A DOG? or a Goat. IS MANCHELLE a man? are those his daughters or Wife’s
I see the Strength of The American Patriots rising up as we speak..Ready for War!!
Ever wonder why, that during Obama’s presidency we have seen the highest incidence of mass shootings and the lowest number of murders since 1969? Reference Reagon:11, Bush Sr:12, Clinton:23, Bush Jr:20, Oboma:162 and counting..
These incidents have more than doubled under his Presidency (2009-2103) when compared to years prior. From 2000-2008, this country averaged about 8.4 mass shootings per year. Under Obama’s watch, we have 18.6 incidents annually. A three-fold increase.
Google: police training+mass shootings.
It’s amazing how many shootings just happened when a very similar training exercise was taking place nearby at the same time. Every high profile shooting has this similarity.
There is something very ugly and menacing brewing on the horizon. For many decades, humanity was hoping and praying that it would not come to that. The Western psychopathic powers that be, however, are purposefully and intentionally steering humankind towards exactly that dreaded event: A military war between the USA and Russia and one in which the USA is the aggressor. I would love to go into the financial, historical and political background of this, but time is of the essence: That insanity, of which the (US-controlled) EU is just as guilty, must be stopped immediately before we reach a point of no return behind which only death and destruction awaits.
False Flag Operations
Operation GLADIO
Operation NORWOODS
The Untold History of the United States
Law That Makes Staged Hoaxes and Crisis-Acted Movies Legal?
DHS Crisis Actors Are Real – Part of Department of Homeland Security
San Bernardino shooting
United States Crime Rates 1960 – 2013:
The Many Causes of America’s Decline in Crime:
Let me be clear….
lets hear it for tolerance 🙂
Lol fear mongering everywhere smh
That is exactly what I have been saying since the begining of ISIS. He is ISIS not our leader he wants to rule the world…..
sendthese kilers back.