The ‘Islamic State Hacking Division’ has released a list of 100 military personnel online and are calling upon their supporters to ‘kill them wherever you find them.’
This list was obtained by hacking into military emails, servers and databases.
Please take a moment and look at this list if you know anyone in the military.
And they are nop allowed to have guns on base,repeal the laws that prohibit them to havefirearms on base ,that”s Clinton administration,things have change,
Not to mention equipping them
,How come not one politicians names isn’t on the list
Sometimes you just have to wonder about the mental instability and at$#%&!@*ude of these terrorist groups Isis , Boko Haram ,
Al Quaeida , Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR.
The United States cut our teeth on guns and trouble when we we’re still a very young nation with the British and other conflicts as time went by.
We are one of a handful of countries that allow our citizens to be armed for self protection , not to mention the fact that a very large percentage of Americans are avid hunters.
Up until this clown Obamas watch we have always been the first nation to deploy when there was a threat to freedom or decency or the sovereignty of a nation was threatened by another country.
Our history of wars and combat is long and extensive and so is our experience from past battlefronts and conflicts, we learned something from each time we deployed.
We are a nation who has enjoyed the freedoms and liberties bought and paid for with the lives and blood of our service men and women.
And now here they come , attempting to force their way in to Americas life style by insisting that we do things the muslim way and even going so far as to force shariah on Americans.
Do these brain dead , inbred , moronic idiots really expect America to just roll over and accept their barbaric and heathen ways and to kow tow to their demands ?
Granted we sadly do have a few who think exactly that way , but the majority of the American people resist and refuse muslims and their brutal laws.
So I really do question the mental instability and obvious at$#%&!@*ude of sheer stupidity displayed by these half wits , any group foolish enough to attempt to push , threaten , or force Americans in to giving up freedoms has to be a special kind of stupid
How about give them the names and addresses of Wall Street bankers and lawyers:)
Obama has been giving them this info!
Is it possible the names of our military personnel is now known because someone, and of course we do not know who, hacked the government’s computers and was able to “steal” this information… right about the time of the threats to kill military personnel and their families. Okay, federal government, you left us helpless and vulnerable because of “apparent lack of experience” on how to protect the American people and their personal information. In fact, personal data is being stolen by the federal government as fast as it is entered into the data bases.
kill all those ISIS !!!!!!
Im so ashamed at how gullible my fellow human beings are…..Isis did this? The media picked this story up? Why??? I mean really people. Get outta your own way and see thru the charade already. @ best its contrived fear porn.
Then, U.S posted we knew Korea helped us watch the world, with other countries Unity!