The ‘Islamic State Hacking Division’ has released a list of 100 military personnel online and are calling upon their supporters to ‘kill them wherever you find them.’
This list was obtained by hacking into military emails, servers and databases.
Please take a moment and look at this list if you know anyone in the military.
LOL… God, you guys are sheep…
They don’t have to “round you up and put you in camps”…
They already did.
All they had to do is make you fat… And give you a TV.
72% of Americans are overweight… 34% of Americans are obese… Don’t believe me… then look it up…
Now here comes the sciencey stuff….
There is a hormone in your body called leptin. Leptin tells you when you are full.
There is this thing called “high-fructose corn syrup” (Think dextrose and like another gazillion patented names for sugar).
High-fructose corn syrup blocks the hormone leptin’s ability to tell you when you are full.
High-fructose corn syrup is in 90% of the processed products you buy.
If an, “introduced sugar”, can block your ability to know when you are full…
…Would the international corporations that make the processed food want you to know about it?
You betcha I would put a Black Kenyan Dude, Socialist, Muslim, Dictator with a f**e ID and a secret Muslim decoder ring in Office to keep you from going…. “Hey wait a cotton-picken minute… SUGAR makes me stupid!”?
Now click on my video and think about the bacteria in your gut that digests your food.
Hint… Sugar makes you stupid,
The simplest way to control the mind of a large group of people is to divide them into little groups of people that hate each other while controlling what they read, watch on TV, what they eat, and what they drink.
They will show you horrible images/videos like this while giving you a steady diet of processed food full of sugar to make you to lazy to actually research what is really going on.
the isis s$#%&!@* will be blown to bits before they can get near to them, the real danger/threat is obama and his leftist s$#%&!@* who will do nothing to stop them once theyre on american soil.
If people don’t know that by now their just STUPID !!!!
Obama give them the list?
I have family members who have proudly serve if anyone gets hurt well they have a lot of buddies formally served and we are not going to take it semper FI
Charles Echols, I don’t eat fast food , I try to not eat poison in my food supply period but it’s in almost everything, I used to be a pop drinking fool. But I learned real fast that yes its a big poison! I’m 41 and 180lbs. I’m not great shape but I’m in better shape than 80% of people younger than me!
Lord,Protect our military
i know one thing obama could have been the one that gave them all of the information to ISIS,
My grandfather served ww2, god bless him.
They’ve ALREADY killed some of ours, and a lot of civilians in the M.E., and We.Do.NOTHING. :