The ‘Islamic State Hacking Division’ has released a list of 100 military personnel online and are calling upon their supporters to ‘kill them wherever you find them.’
This list was obtained by hacking into military emails, servers and databases.
Please take a moment and look at this list if you know anyone in the military.
Well since we know that the war on Isis is a sham, that puts a different light on this doesn’t it?
The republicans got us into this mess have you forgotten? Isis is a bunch of $#%&!@* $#%&!@* cowards.
Can’t open it
Please top posting Isis $#%&!@* of your not a part of the propaganda and are for truth, instead of posting the same $#%&!@* “like this” that the mainstream would you should keep postion on how Isis was funded, trained, founded by the CIA to be used for proxy wars and an excuse for us to reenter the Middle East or how the CIA got caught funding alquada so the changed the name
All I’m getting at is don’t feed people the same $#%&!@* we get from our government and call it different
Wonder where they got the information
Compliments of President Obama I’m sure.
So what? It’s an empty threat. They can do nothing to this country. We will always be here, and we will always kill mooslim perverts.
its i lie to make u scared