The ‘Islamic State Hacking Division’ has released a list of 100 military personnel online and are calling upon their supporters to ‘kill them wherever you find them.’
This list was obtained by hacking into military emails, servers and databases.
Please take a moment and look at this list if you know anyone in the military.
Isis punks sure are brave over in their sand box. They sure will look nice buried in it
I should release a kill list in response.
Yes of terroists, especially ISIS at this point
Hell random pick any one of liberals , any one from the middle east , an EYE FOR AN EYE , I say
Take Isis out before they kill more innocent people
I’d be willing to bet they didn’t have to hack anything… they are in our government with complete access.
How did they get this list .
This is so wrong, and they won’t do anything about it.
I say bring it $#%&!@*es watch how fast u die when u try n fight like real men instead of the cowards you savages are
wow,,going to get ugly id say,,,,,,