The ‘Islamic State Hacking Division’ has released a list of 100 military personnel online and are calling upon their supporters to ‘kill them wherever you find them.’
This list was obtained by hacking into military emails, servers and databases.
Please take a moment and look at this list if you know anyone in the military.
given to them by the present administration no doubt
Get ready…set shoot dem $#%&!@*az…
Death to ISIS
Come country, it’s long past time to start standing up!
Time for the U.S.A. to drop a few atomic bombs
This is exactly how ISIS started in Iraq. Americans don’t give up our weapons for anyone and we don’t surrender. Period
Allah $#%&!@*tard
I would bet there is not one single person on the list that is scared. We don’t go backward we go forward and if they want to find out, they may get to meet their virgins sooner that later in their live. Veterans may have set their guns aside but you can bet we still know how to use them. Aim once and don’t waste bullets as we may need them later. MCPO Navy retired.
And in the mean time Kerry and Obama are making deals without congressional approval and writing policy through the UN with Iran and letting the very terroist that have killed americans go from gitmo. Still the blind don’t get it that he has and is committing treason on a daily basis with open support from every liberal in the country. What you gonna do when your way of life is destroyed by the very people you support. Dollar down 1% yesterday with more bad news coming thanks to out of control spending on worthless healthcare and illegal amnesty. Doesn’t the word insolvent register in the liberals brain?
American people need to hold Obumer and his administration responsible for this for giving isis more power b/c thats what he is been doing during his Presidency.