The ‘Islamic State Hacking Division’ has released a list of 100 military personnel online and are calling upon their supporters to ‘kill them wherever you find them.’
This list was obtained by hacking into military emails, servers and databases.
Please take a moment and look at this list if you know anyone in the military.
It’s sounds as if you scared them Boi s & Ladies in the armed forces can handle the list holders , but you seen the Republicans break our Cons$#%&!@*ution s law & contact Iran with Presidential approval, maybe your got the info & just are a war monger ???
Hmmmm, I wonder who leaked that information
They really do not like us Airmen
Its time To Fight Back
damn, didn’t make the list. again 🙁
Lol, not as closely as I watched Obama take ALL of my income tax return for not purchasing his health insurance. Going around the president isnt nearly as bad as trying to force the populace to purchase a product or service. The presidency is a byp$#%&!@*able authority in cases of no confidence. So… The Reps didn’t really violate the cons$#%&!@*ution in any way. They just didn’t go about it through the proper channels. Either way, how is it right to force people to buy a product or service? That’s an actual crime. It’s called extortion. Look it up 🙂
Barack probably drafted the list for them.
How about we wait for them at these addresses…..
Everyone of them are murdering cowards who tie the innocent up to kill them..