A British ISIS member, calling herself “Mrs. Terror” Sally Jones has published the name and address of the Navy SEALÂ who killed Osama bin Laden on the Internet, urging American extremists to end his life. Robert O’Neill’s address is now being shared on social media, along with instructions on how to find him.
The jihadi woman is angry at O’Neil for traveling around America and putting on seminars that she claims are full of “boasting” about how he killed the al Qaeda leader.
Read more about the Navy Seal and his family on the next page.
Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/02/10/pravda-putin-threatens-to-release-satellite-evidence-of-911/
“Status of Quo” (G The Don) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJ79vl-heGE
Much respect
LMAO!! How do you KILL someone that has already died of Natural Causes and has already been KILLED 10 differant times by 10 differant people!!?? Bin Lauden died in 2000!!!
Now that it is confirmed IS is being run by U.S govt. IS will be used as a false flag here to cover the economic collapse plain and simple. IS just a bunch of white mercenaries
Are you sure Binladen is dead or he changed identity? hehehe Who created Binladen must also be the one who hides him hahahaha
So you knew him? And can 100% confirmed this. If you have please share your information with the world .
Wish he’d do it and hurry up about it!
What does Isis have to so with bin Laden