New York City Police thwarted a major terror attack. Recently declassified documents reveal the level of terror runs far deeper than thought. An active network of ISIS operatives is strategically planning to bring their reign of terror to the U.S.
Here are the three men involved, again.
Prosecutors on Thursday unsealed charges against Canadian citizen Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, 19, Philippine citizen Russell Salic, 37, and Talha Haroon, a 19-year-old US citizen residing in Pakistan
Just listen to the depth of planning underway just right here in New York City. The recently thwarted plot reveals a very dark web that leads many right back to the lenient former Obama administration.
El Bahnasawy took the lead on the ground, entering the US from Canada to secure a cabin near New York City to use as an operating base and bomb-making facility, according to investigators.
Meanwhile, Haroon met with explosives experts in Pakistan and planned to join El Bahnasawy in the US to carry out the attacks, and Salic sent support funds from the Philippines, according to prosecutors.
The three men communicated with each other using a messaging app, but were tricked into revealing their plan to an undercover agent on the app posing as an ISIS member.
‘[W]e seriously need a car bomb at times square… Look at these crowds of people!’ El Bahnasawy messaged the undercover agent along with a picture of the New York City landmark last May, according to prosecutors.
El Bahnasawy also spoke glowingly of a plan to ‘shoot up concerts cuz they kill a lot of people,’ the indictment said.
‘[W]e just walk in with guns in our hands. That’s how the Paris guys did it,’ the message said in apparent reference to the November 2015 attacks on the Bataclan theater, which left 130 dead in Paris.
Meanwhile, Haroon allegedly felt that the New York subway was a ‘perfect’ target, telling the undercover there would be plenty of ‘women and kids’ to target and adding: ‘when we run out of bullets we let the vests go off.’
El Bahnasawy sent this image of the NYC subway, modified with circles and arrows. ‘The 2 subways we will blow up will be the purple one, and the green one.
Investigators monitored the plot to see how serious the men were, and sprang into action after El Bahnasawy purchased bomb-making materials and secured the cabin in the US.
Thankfully law enforcement was able to step-up and stop this attack. But, that is not always the case. Former assistant FBI Director James Kallstrom claims the FBI, the political elite, and the Muslim Brotherhood have an alliance forged. The Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS are two different things. However, it does indicate the powers that be have a deep interest in using Islam to bring the masses to submission.
Source: Daily Mail
Government Permits 22 Islamic Terrorist Training Camps To Function Inside US
Shut down and deport……
Luke 13:23-30
Send invaders home
Send in our military to shut these camps down!
And we can’t find these camps??? Are we stupid?
Round them up…sent them back! Gitmo if your caught period!