These guys sure could use some training. They sure do have a tendency to blow themselves up rather often.
Every time an ISIS launches a rocket, RPG or canon fire, or a Palestinian throws a rock at the Jews, they pray out loud from the Quran “Wama Ramayta Inama-Allaha Rama”.
English: “And you launched not when you launched but it was Allah who launched” (Quran 8:17)
In other words, Allah is the one who aims, launches and hits the target and not the Jihadi.
This can be seen in almost every video where ISIS launches an attack. But in so many cases as we view these videos, it seems Allah aimed, launched and hit his arrow at ISIS instead:
Bet that passed Obama off
rama lama ding dong arsholes. HA!
Did Bush replace Iraq’s Sunni led gov. with a Shia gov. in order to create long term problems?
Decades before 9/11, the CIA was quite aware of the religious strife between Sunni’s and Shia. In fact, their strife pre-dates the Manga Charter; so why would a President whose father headed the CIA need to dupe the nation into War? “Low information?” Surely you jest! The Project for a New American Century was founded in 1997. Invading Iraq was their top priority; and the founding members of PNAC became ranking members of Dubya’s Cabinet.
That wasn’t his purpose, exactly. He wanted to take out Saddam Hussein because his daddy fought him, and because he wanted to be considered a “great” president, by being a “war president;” Cheney wanted to help Haliburton rake in hundreds of billions of dollars; Rumsfeld wanted bases in the area. So, to achieve those ends, they hooked up with liars who told the lies they wanted to be told. They kept believing what the liars told them, put some of the liars in charge; and refused to listen to reason It’s simply a lie that there has always been strife between Sunni and Shia. It isn’t entirely clear why the Bush administration worked so hard to foment sectarian violence and civil war. It’s probably simply a matter of their being so completely lacking in any CLUE as to what was going on, and not caring at all about the consequences of their actions.
But Malaki was a Shiite and plans had been made for permanent bases in Iraq! The only way to get the public to go along with this was to make sure there was continued fighting in the area to prove our presence was needed there!
The Bush Administration planned long term bases in Iraq and Maliki was their man – now all that equipment is left for ISIS to control!
You are so right. I am glad to see someone has done their homework.
So what’s up with the guided bomb?
They didnt blow themselves up.
sounds like some reapin goin on ..
Two down 10,00 to go