During the last year Americans have been deluged with the fiction that there are “moderates” chomping at the bit to fight Bashar al-Assad in Syria. While there may be a legitimate resistance, President Obama has struggled mightily with finding it.
He has tried with the Free Syrian Army but they have struggled mightily to behave themselves.
Several times embarrassing reports have surfaced that featured ISIS fighters with American weapons and equipment. Sometimes, the “allies” themselves turn up fighting under the black flag of ISIS.
Such is the case with Abdurrahman Abdulhadi, a Syrian native who joined ISIS… after being trained in Turkey.
While Turkey is supposed to be an ally, the relationship between the US and Turkey has been cooling. This latest trend of ISIS training on Turkish lands is disturbing at best.
See page two for Turkey troubles with training ISIS
This is not “new news.” This damned global warming produces more and more terrorists, doesn’t it?
No Robert, Turkey help them, there pass the oil, all the military help from US is going in Turkey first! Erdogan black mail Europe that will control his border but never happen- opposite , he created corridor for them! Merkel sign order to give him 3 billions that she wants from other countries in EU that refuse to except this bastards! Erdogan did big mistake with the Russian aircraft – now Russia is controlling the Syrian border- so he can not take his oil and play anymore the game!
First rule of Islam lie
Yes, it is
O gosh, poor girl , she is totally empty head!
No, they don’t know what is love, care! They actually never feel any human feelings!
Sounds very Obamaish to me, if. It walks like a duck……….