As if the disturbing videos ISIS has posted on the Internet weren’t enough, the terrorist group’s disturbing manifesto has been leaked.
Coming in at 99 pages, the text, titled Black Flags from Rome in reference to a doomsday prophecy said to be predicted by Mohammad, details the Islamic State’s plan to infiltrate the West and create bases of operation in European cities from which they will launch terror attacks.
This plan was carried out in an embryonic form during the Paris attacks last month, wherein three ISIS operatives entered France as “refugees” and proceeded to plot their assault within the city they sought to wreak it on.
One of the attackers even boasted of how he planned the Paris attacks right under the French authorities’ noses, saying that they were reluctant to move against him because he was a migrant and was thus able to “leave safely when doing so became necessary.”
Click the link below for more about the ISIS manifesto:
Dimwits and @#$%ing libtards are living in a fantasy world!!!
Obama’s Acts of Treason:
1. Perpetrating acts of fraud, perjury and conspiracy in his refusal to confirm his lawful eligibility to serve as president under the U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 1, constituting impeachable offenses of high crimes and misdemeanors adumbrated in U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 4;
175,000,000 People Were Slaughtered By Their Own Governments In The 20th. Century: Molon Labe ~ Come & Take!
Breaking 11/12/2012 => 20 States Deluge White House With Secession Petitions!
Constitutional Experts Call Obama’s Abuse Of Executive Power Historic: Where’s Darrel Issa?
2. Surrendering sovereign U.S. war-making to foreign powers and international authorities by attacking Libya without consulting Congress, in violation of U.S. Constitution Article 1, Section 8 and U.S. Code Title 50, r 33:1541-1548;
3. Accepting foreign title and office while acting as U.S. President and without consulting Congress when in 2009, Obama assumed the Chairmanship of the UN Security Council, the international body responsible for declaring war on behalf of the UN, in violation of U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 9;
Obama’s Banker’s Policy Strategy Is To Put All Of America Into Jail: Barry Taught “Destroy Middle Class”!
4. Making bribery attempts in word and in deed, as Obama administration offered bribes to at least three Federal candidates for office: Joe Sestak, Andrew Romanoff and Jim Matheson, in violation of U.S. Code Title 18, Section 201;
5. Defying a Federal Court Order by refusing to halt the unconstitutional implementation of the “Patient Healthcare and Affordable Care Act of 2010, popularly known as “ObamaCare”, in violation of U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 3, and Article III, Sections 1 & 2;
6. Defying a Federal Court Order by refusing to grant lawful deep water drilling permits, in violation of U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 3, and Article III, Sections 1 & 2;
7. Executive Branch creation and implementation of regulations asserting unconstitutional force of Federal law on matters explicitly rejected by or contrary to the will and intent of Congress, specifically the EPA implementation of Cap and Trade, in violation of U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 1 and Section 8;
8. Refusing to secure our broken borders from illegal alien invasion, international criminal incursion, and terrorist cadre penetration, in violation of U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 3 and Article IV, Section 4;
Whistle Blowers: Barack Obama Violates Federal Court Order ~ Charlotte N C. Indictments And Impeachment.
9. Executive Branch malfeasance and impeding the administration of justice by preventing the U.S. Department of Justice from investigating crimes committed for the direct benefit of the President by presidential associates including: voter intimidation at the hands of the New Black Panthers and ACORN election fraud, in violation of U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 3, and U.S. Criminal Code Section 135, (Comp. St. § 10305);
10. Direct mobilizing and funding of mob violence, sedition and insurrection, as witnessed in Wisconsin, by the President’s own reelection campaign group Organizing for America, and including open statements of incitement to the insurrection by the President himself, in violation of U.S.Penal Code, Chapter 115, Section 2383;
11. Executive Branch usurpation of lawmaking powers voiding duly enacted legislation of Congress by improperly preventing the U.S. Department of Justice from defending established Federal law – specifically the Defense of Marriage Act, in violation of U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 3;
12. Adhering to the enemies of the United States, giving them aid and comfort, as witnessed by consorting with, supporting and installing to powerful Federal positions persons who in writing, word and deed have called for and promoted the overthrow of America’s constitutionally guaranteed Republican form of government, and the overthrow of the United States Constitution; including but not limited to William Ayers, Bernadette Dohrn, Cass Sunstein, John Holdren, Van Jones, Dalia Mogahed, Harold Koh, and Eric Holder, in violation of U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section IV and U.S. Penal Code, Section 2385.
Trump is a devil …
Wow, where did this come from?
It won’t make any difference to the CIA, FBI DHS,
Miles to go before I sleep. Telefon with Charles Bronson.
I think they already do. It’s ok to have relations with animals in the Koran, if there are no women around. It is written.
Bring it,, the world has to come to the conclusion that you all need to die and sleep with (be buried with) the swine.
Saying these men were ISIS that infiltrated the refugees is nonsense