One of the reasons that ISIS is gaining recruits and followers is the optics of power and control. Their gruesome displays of brutality shock the observer and command fear and compliance. The disgusting exhibitions of beheadings, drownings in cages, and public torture are standard fare for the Islamic terrorists, and they are meant to prevent any and all push back from conquered peoples.
The idea of water boarding and making terrorists stay in chilled rooms or other previous Western techniques for interrogation seem quite tame compared to the barbarous activities of the jihadis, and perhaps what they need is a bit more of their own medicine. A sniper from the elite British Special Air Service (S.A.S.) unintentionally did just that to a terrorist commander who was training his charges in the fine Islamic art of beheading their victims. The video on page 2 shows how one bullet could actually decapitate a person.
Watch the amazing video on page 2:
Great Job. Go Trump!!!
Love it! Thank you Brit sniper. You & your team have saved many innocent lives.
Love it. Wish they had shown real time footage.
I already said in the past I love this stuff tremendous bravo
Yes one shot one head hahahaha. Great job. Need more of this new less b s.
From a place you will not know comes a sound you will not hear
HERES SOMETHING IMPORTANT we are to remain in the field [world ] and continue to teach, UNTIL Jesus Christ returns at the seventh trumpet. if you are expecting to fly away, you will NOT have your armour on and be ready to stand AGAINST the fiery spiritual darts of the Antichrist, when he arrives upon the earth. you simply will not be prepared to meet satan and his fallen angels when they come with “all power and signs and lying wonders”, you will think that satan is Christ and you WILL be deceived by your OWN lack of knowledge. Does that rapture theory “still look good to you ? THE RAPTURE IS A LIE !!!! verse by verse….. is you eternal salvation worth 10 min of your time ? “Jesus and Paul say the rapture is a lie.
MY COMMENT IS ALL ABOUT EXPOSING THE HEBREWS JEWS AND THEIR BLOODLINE the ( PAGAN worshipping ) just like a kind of jews that worshipped the god named ( BAAL ) and theres another kind of jews that believe about the saviour called ( YAHSAH ) they get it from the word ( HALLELUJAH ) the JAH part they turn it into a Y instead of J and its now YAH , and they believe that this is the real name of the saviour or the MESSIAH YAH is the name and SAH it means to them as ( SAVIOUR ) and they combined it together it is now ( YAHSAH ) very clear its against the Bible jews dont believe JESUS is the MESSIAH ( BAAL and YAHSAH ) are PAGAN TEACHINGS and the jews are the so called KENITES ,kenites descendants of cain children of satan jews are on the bloodline of satan when satan put his seed to Eve ,eve produce CAIN /SARGON a very large man a giant or a NEPHILIM and cain slew his half brother ABLE OR ABEL abel the son of Adam from EVe ,but Adam had another child from EVe named SETH Seth the only bloodline of Adam to bring forth children ,and on the side of CAIN cain began the tribe called kajin ,a race that the BIBLE refers to you as the KENITES ; CAIN IN HEBREW is QAYIN and they are one of the reasons why the flood from the time of NOAH HAD HAPPENED not just to wipeout the GIANTS/NEPHILIM but also to execute the KENITES but some of them survived and they past on their teaching and they are still among us today as HEBREW JEWS the jews from ancient time are the kenite PRIESTS ( THE KENITES ANTI CHRIST ) kenites are liar’s and JESUS wants you to know that satans bloodline is not to be accommodated sentencing cain ,GOD includes an identifying mark, a mark that God includes cain and his descendants from growing anything from the earth , and they cannot be farmers because the earth will not yield fruits to them, among cains descendants you find cattlemen musicians metalworkers ( BUT NOT ONE FARMER ) the kenites are the jews of judea NOT the jews from the tribe of judah, and they are responsible for the death of CHRIST because the kenites convince the others that JESUS is not a SON OF GOD ( THE KENITE ANTI CHRIST )