One of the reasons that ISIS is gaining recruits and followers is the optics of power and control. Their gruesome displays of brutality shock the observer and command fear and compliance. The disgusting exhibitions of beheadings, drownings in cages, and public torture are standard fare for the Islamic terrorists, and they are meant to prevent any and all push back from conquered peoples.
The idea of water boarding and making terrorists stay in chilled rooms or other previous Western techniques for interrogation seem quite tame compared to the barbarous activities of the jihadis, and perhaps what they need is a bit more of their own medicine. A sniper from the elite British Special Air Service (S.A.S.) unintentionally did just that to a terrorist commander who was training his charges in the fine Islamic art of beheading their victims. The video on page 2 shows how one bullet could actually decapitate a person.
Watch the amazing video on page 2:
Beheading class,wow
They were Republicans before joining ISIS
If these chickens*** COWARDS are so tough why are they so afraid to show their ugly a** faces?
Makes my day!
Love those happy endings.
Nuke em and see what kind of power they once had how about that???
A crock of lies on the republican side. People like you, are, why this country is in such a mess, and, so divided.
God bless those snipers with 50 cal rifles
Now that is awesome!