ISIS has caught on to the Islamic terror denial syndrome plaguing western press and political leaders. For too long we can easily identify the jihadists becasue they say and do jihadist stuff.
No more says ISIS.
Stop looking Muslim before your attacks. Shave that beard, splash on some non-alcoholic aftershave and party like it’s 1453.
The westerners won’t see it coming if the ISIS agents can stick to some guidelines and “not look Muslim” while preparing a jihad massacre.
Perhaps ISIS can get together with Hollister and make some better recruiting posters?
It would be funny except that so many westerners want to be taken in by terrorism denial.
The new look and sound encouraged for ISIS followers is designed to make western people heighten their sense of paranoia and the jihadists are betting that the left will drive that fear in their favor.
Once the terrorists don’t look like terrorists or shout their favorite catch phrase “Allahu Ackbar” before firing up, the global left will simultaneously deny the attackers are Islamic and blame western political movements in their place.
See the next page for details on the ISIS memo
Are you willing to risk your life on it or the lives of your family when 25% support jihad
we already cannot tell them apart , 13hours had a lot of that . How do we tell them apart??
Please feel free to share!
the govt just opened the door in cali. to 300,000 with driver’s licence’s and they are a motor voter state
Your question doesn’t make any sense. How am I “risking my life”? 4% of the American population are sociopaths…18.2 percent of the total adult population in the United States suffers from some mental illness. ANY human interaction that you have is some kind of risk.
Care to make your question a bit more specific?
Keith Your question doesn’t make any sense. How am I “risking my life”? 4% of the American population are sociopaths…18.2 percent of the total adult population in the United States suffers from some mental illness. ANY human interaction that you have is some kind of risk.
Care to make your question a bit more specific?
So don Johnson when they cut your fucking head off and start to rape your wife and daughter in front of your useless headless corps ,in the name of Allah you’ll probably still be more worried about climate change I’ll bet you voted for this America hating, Muslim loving, Christian bashing , toilet trained baboon twice you sicken me !!!!!
yikes uh oh