ISIS has caught on to the Islamic terror denial syndrome plaguing western press and political leaders. For too long we can easily identify the jihadists becasue they say and do jihadist stuff.
No more says ISIS.
Stop looking Muslim before your attacks. Shave that beard, splash on some non-alcoholic aftershave and party like it’s 1453.
The westerners won’t see it coming if the ISIS agents can stick to some guidelines and “not look Muslim” while preparing a jihad massacre.
Perhaps ISIS can get together with Hollister and make some better recruiting posters?
It would be funny except that so many westerners want to be taken in by terrorism denial.
The new look and sound encouraged for ISIS followers is designed to make western people heighten their sense of paranoia and the jihadists are betting that the left will drive that fear in their favor.
Once the terrorists don’t look like terrorists or shout their favorite catch phrase “Allahu Ackbar” before firing up, the global left will simultaneously deny the attackers are Islamic and blame western political movements in their place.
See the next page for details on the ISIS memo
Even one is too many
Sounds like Obama. Lie. Tell everyone you are a Christian
Everyday I pray that I be counted worthy. Times are dangereous and people need to stop going about life as usual they need to be aware at all times.
f**k them
Hi Catherine i admire your smile can you add me up so we can be friends if you don’t mind ok
Hi Lois i admire your smile can you add me up so we can be friends if you don’t mind ok
I’ve been saying this also, & it is unbelievable how many do not have a clue or a care about it! Just is mind boggling! Pray & Prepare!
“They” say we won’t get out and vote for TRUMP – – – let’s show them just how wrong they are AGAIN! I HAVE HEARD THAT IN SOME STATES THIS IS A BIT TRICKY – – GET WRITTEN CONFIRMATION OF YOUR CHANGE. ONE LADY SAID SHE HAD TO GO BACK THE SECOND TIME TO GET THE CHANGE MADE. IT IS WORTH THE TROUBLE FOLKS – – VOTE TRUMP. Check this site to make sure of the rules for your state. Some states require you to be a registered Republican in order to vote for a Republican candidate in the primary and the general election. Check and make necessary changes to be able to vote for TRUMP so he can Make America Great Again. He is the only one who is willing to do what has to be done to keep this country safe and secure – – if we are DEAD from Islamic terrorists attacks, no other issues matter!!…
Very good & right on! You should consider writing that on all social sites to HELP people to WAKE UP!
probably can’t grow one