ISIS hacked into New Mexico’s largest newspaper, the Albuquerque Journal, this week and left a rather harrowing message:
“You’ll see no mercy, infidels. We are already here, we are in your PCs, in each house, in each office. With Allah’s permission we begin with Albuquerque.”
How accurate is their claim?
It leaves one to question, “Exactly how far has ISIS infiltrated vital sectors of the Internet?”
Well they probably don´t need to infiltrate or hack into anything, because with Obama they are already set to obtain control…
He is gay all the way.
They (Obama) has been in control for the last 8 years!
@[100000708796976:2048:Maryann Clark]
See who Oboma really is with just this partial list.
Attacks Aimed at Biblical Faith
April 2008-with sustain for Christians, Obama says they “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them.”
February 2009-Obama announces he’ll revoke a rule that would protect healthcare workers who will not participate in medical activities that violate their consciences.
April 2009-speaking to Georgetown University, Oboma orders a monogram symbolizing Jesus’ name be covered when he makes the speech.
April 2009-insulting the Catholics in Rome, Oboma nominates three pro-abortion amb$#%&!@*adors to the Vatican.
May 2009-breaking from years (1952) of tradition, Oboma refuses to host an official in the Whitehouse for the federally established National day of Prayer.
October 18, 2010-when quoting the Declaration of Independence, Oboma intentionally excludes the phrase ” the creator”
November 2010-Oboma revises the National Motto, saying it is E-pluribus which means “Out of many, one,” rather than “In God We trust as established by Frderal law.
January 2011-rejecting the cross, Oboma ignores a law p$#%&!@*ed by Congress and the Supreme Court preventing the Veterans of Foreign Wars from rebuilding a broken cross erected in 1934, in memory of the fallen Soldiers.
February 2011-Oboma neglecting to fill the post of the Religious Freedom Amb$#%&!@*ador.
April 2011-Oboma openly supports non-discrimination law-targeting organizations whose hiring individuals whose lives are consistent with Christian principles.
August 2011-Oboma promulgates new healthcare regulations, in particular relating to abortion, contraception that clearly viste our God given and Cons$#%&!@*utional protected right to conscientious objection.
November 2011-Oboma rejects President Roosevelt’s prominent D-Day Prayer to the World War II Memorial.
December 2011-Oboma using Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton “Religious beliefs, are obstacles in the way” of protecting the human right of those living “Abominable lifestyles.”
Thank us for putting up with Obama
Longing for the days when the vast majority of Americans felt that way instead of the way it is now
OTO hell isis where you belong hell firw fot alleternity
A buddy of mine is going through his police academy and told me the instructors drill the cons$#%&!@*ution and “don’t break the laws” in their head, they don’t want them to be gestapo, they know they can be sued for anything. So honestly I don’t see a huge issue. They’d be just as scared as civs.
If thats the case.. I really dont mind unloading my virus collection on them 😉 im sure at least a few of the 2000+ in my collection will hit.