ISIS hacked into New Mexico’s largest newspaper, the Albuquerque Journal, this week and left a rather harrowing message:
“You’ll see no mercy, infidels. We are already here, we are in your PCs, in each house, in each office. With Allah’s permission we begin with Albuquerque.”
How accurate is their claim?
It leaves one to question, “Exactly how far has ISIS infiltrated vital sectors of the Internet?”
Well they probably don´t need to infiltrate or hack into anything, because with Obama they are already set to obtain control…
Some of us read the book and they LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I always was an American, always will be an American, and always will be an American.
Obama = leader of isis!
Not in my computer 🙂
Why is Obama not arrested as a traitor?!
Oboma, is in violation of his oath of office!
In disregarding the Supreme Court Ruling to turn over do$#%&!@*ents on Fast & Furious, creating unjust laws like Healthcare Mandate, over reaching his Authority, with the EPA. Invoking directives to the IRS, abusing his political power over the will of the people. Oboma, is in serious trouble with the networking high tech ( 400 ) missiles to terrorist-Benghazi incident. Inciting world nuclear calamity, offering Iran nukes and 150 Billion USD to do it with. Oboma is the cause of America’s rise of domestic violence.
The Healthcare bill allows him to build an army of 250,000 disconnected blacks youths through FEMA-Youthcore, Americore, Peacecore, Greencore etc…in his own word will rival our U.S. Military.
Don’t look at this man as if he were your friend, look at the demeanor of Mandates and Executive Orders, that he has created, that are now laws!
With the rise of civilian disorder-this evil man can implement Marshall Law-and legally become your new Dictator.
The likes of “Black Panthers” and this new group called “Black Lives Matter” willed be endowed with Presidential Powers. They can seize your home, your $#%&!@*ets and throw you in jail. Read the Healthcare bill!
This picture is the first graduate cl$#%&!@* of Americore!
Three Generals have demanded Oboma be arrested for treason. Two Congressmen have demanded Obama face impeachment.
Oboma, owns the DOJ and he pays the salary of our Supreme Court Justices, he makes his own laws, are you blind!
Is America this blind and stupid to ask should we take a pole, like it’s supposed to be “Political Correct”
Look at what Obama has legally done as our President, he is a dictator by his own actions.
You must be out of your mind. If ther
Obama knows what he is doing, he had 4 years of planning and since his second term he has put his plan to work and we are letting him get away with it. He is so transparent, he has told us he is on muslims side and he proves it everyday, he wants 3rd term and he will get it cause America is not united. America is broke and he has weakened our military, he is giving this deal to Iran on a silver platter and in return Iran is dealing with Russia and China. He is giving Mexico back there lands. So with Mexico, Iran, China, and Russia all wanting to destroy the American people, so when the war starts it will be Israel and a handful of Patriots to fight the world. We have African Americans in Ferguson wanting to hurt White Americans, how many are in that frame of mind, I don’t think the gays will be much good in helping keep our land and the liberals are just to stupid to do anything cause they are the reason that obama is still in the Our White House.