ISIS hacked into New Mexico’s largest newspaper, the Albuquerque Journal, this week and left a rather harrowing message:
“You’ll see no mercy, infidels. We are already here, we are in your PCs, in each house, in each office. With Allah’s permission we begin with Albuquerque.”
How accurate is their claim?
It leaves one to question, “Exactly how far has ISIS infiltrated vital sectors of the Internet?”
Well they probably don´t need to infiltrate or hack into anything, because with Obama they are already set to obtain control…
I have a nice copper jacket for them
BS! Just tell them Merry Christmas and Jesus is the Reason for the Season! That will hack them off!
***k you ISIS
Ooooo, shakin in my boots….
Don’t play into the anti Islam hype from the Rothschild Beast owned MSM or USA Inc. ISIS IS a CIA Mossad creation ! ! !
…and this will be true Jan 1, 2015. The Facebook’s new Terms and Conditions will allow them to be. The only way you can control it, is to essentially have a VERY SOPHISTICATED HIGH OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT TYPE OF COMPUTER.
if you can hack USA ? keep doing it !! its how we keep track of our enemies !! then you wonder how the hell they find me ?? or wonder how the new drones generation has gotten so smart !!
Fuk you Isis and fuk your gutter religion…bring your azz to America and We the people will send you back to hell
let them, every time they go online they are giving their post away !!
Must be why DISH has no FOX. Damn DISH, my contract with them calls for it. They are definitely up Obama’s butt.