ISIS hacked into New Mexico’s largest newspaper, the Albuquerque Journal, this week and left a rather harrowing message:
“You’ll see no mercy, infidels. We are already here, we are in your PCs, in each house, in each office. With Allah’s permission we begin with Albuquerque.”
How accurate is their claim?
It leaves one to question, “Exactly how far has ISIS infiltrated vital sectors of the Internet?”
Well they probably don´t need to infiltrate or hack into anything, because with Obama they are already set to obtain control…
I see they are using Obama’s 5Billion random. That’s the first traitor we need to get!
if they so proud of what they do why hide their faces?
i agree Lee
Just becaue som rag head said
We must stop thinking of Islam as a religion. It is a sociopolitical savage philosophy that espouses violence, subjugation/slavery, murder and spawns terrorism all over the Planet. It is a political dogma that accepts no compromise. It is uncivilized and promotes abuse of women and children. It suppresses education and Freedom and has no acceptance of any who disagree.
They are too stupid this is a false flag ppl
Christmas is a celebration of the birth of God or God’s son
Respectfully Muslims don’t believe that God had a birth date or that God was born with a son.
Because the Quran and the Bible rejects this
Bible says “God is not a man” and “God is not the son of man”
Numbers 23:19
Quran says,
“Say, He is God the uniquely One! God, the Eternal, Absolute! He neither begets nor is born, And there is none like unto Him – He is Uniquely One!” (chapter 112)
So we hope you understand why we excuse ourselves politely from saying Merry Christmas, because saying Merry Christmas says God had a birth date with a son, but remember that the Quran and the Bible rejects this, because God Almighty the Creator is Uniquely One! without any sons, daughters and grandchildren, or a birth date because God Almighty Allah is Uniquely One!
Bring it!
This is why I’m glad to be an atheist so I don’t have to worry about which nonsense is true or not.