ISIS hacked into New Mexico’s largest newspaper, the Albuquerque Journal, this week and left a rather harrowing message:
“You’ll see no mercy, infidels. We are already here, we are in your PCs, in each house, in each office. With Allah’s permission we begin with Albuquerque.”
How accurate is their claim?
It leaves one to question, “Exactly how far has ISIS infiltrated vital sectors of the Internet?”
Well they probably don´t need to infiltrate or hack into anything, because with Obama they are already set to obtain control…
When We get done,isis will have a news name, it will be referred to as waswas.
I wish to see a major move against the Muslims and other terror groups immediately.
put them in the stoneage with an EMP blast
“Verily, I say unto you, not everything thou shalt read on the internet will be true.”- Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster
come and get some Isis you cowards
Hope you enjoy what you read you nosey SOB
well don’t like this but hey, ISIS bring it on! 🙁
they cant e ven fight a reguar figt they are cowards
Yeah they got free excess through Obama ! What is wrong with him ?