Hillary Clinton hilariously tried to paint Donald Trump as an ISIS recruiter during the largely unwatched Democrat debate. She was roundly excoriated on social media and even left wing publications gave her ratings like “pants on fire” and “four Pinocchios” …demonstrating their seriousness as well.
Now it appears that ISIS is capitalizing on Hillary’s comments and has taken her advice by splicing footage of The Donald into some propaganda videos. Thanks Hillary! Anymore ideas for ISIS?
Hillary Clinton cannot help her monumental incompetence. In fact, it is rather an endearing trademark of her life as an oversold contender. She always screws things up, never has her life together, has creepy friends and associates (like the husband of her assistant who emails pictures of his bulging underwear to young girls) and never has to deliver real substance or contribute to national issues.
When the democrat voters had their first chance to elect her, they took a pass.
Now we are supposed to believe that this successor to President Obama, who oversaw the greatest expansion of radical Islamic power ever, is somehow the candidate ISIS does not want?
See the next page for ISIS and Clinton’s fears of the Donald
They can trick trump into starting another conventional in the Middle East, something that we can’t afford right now
Of corse they do he will not put up with them she’ll have them for dinner thinking she is being a good roll model not carring about America or Americans
She’s an ignorant$#%&!@*
Hillary will hug them and tell them they have all the welfare they want
did you think differently, she waddles like a duck, and squawks like patriot, she is very irritating to watch as she lies. So why would the Jihadist fear her, she is like a pig squealing because she didn’t get any food.