Hamayun Tariq, an Islamic militant fighting under the nom de guerre of Muslim-al-Britani, has made an online claim that ISIS has now developed a dirty bomb with materials seized from Mosul University.
“O by the way, Islamic State does have a dirty bomb. We found some radioactive material from Mosul University,” Tariq claimed. He continued, “We’ll find out what dirty bombs are and what they do. We’ll also discuss what might happen if one actually went off in a public area.”
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Here it comes.
I’m under the impression that WE have a few dirty bombs as well! & once your muslim brother is outta the white house …WHAT does ISIS think? That we will NOT use them. All they got to do is join these two dots …NUCLEAR MISSILES & TRUMP! Such a simple combination & totally effective solution.
Roger Mabe here’s some info for you regarding dirty bombs: a dirty bomb is NOT a nuclear bomb. A dirty bomb is a conventional explosion salted with radioactive waste. A person can take pot$#%&!@*ium iodine to prevent the radiation from being absorbed into the thyroid gland and causing bodily harm. The radiation can be beta and gamma/Cesium 137 or gamma radiation/thallium 201. They also include a RDD/ Radiological Dispersing Device aka Dirty Bomb including Cesium-137, Strontium -90s, & Cobalt-60. You know, you can make comments to people WITHOUT being hateful and using such words as IDIOT..
They are doing a underware bomb?
Yea he lives in the White House
Couldn’t be done of the items that disappeared in the hands of our trusted government now could it
Knew it was coming, know they’ll deliver.
Big city america – here they come. Where is Barry?
What they are really saying is that “Mr. O” has given them a dirty bomb.
You are a dirty bomb and Americans know how to be down right dirty !!!