ISIS suffered a couple of major setbacks this week as they not only contracted Ebola, but one of their new converts accidentally tweeted the locations of jihadist safe houses in Syria.
One can see exactly what the the Muslim belief is on the truism ‘You reap what you sow’…
Obama wont kill his own family
Now if they will just keep up the good work
ISIS is a group of terrorists. They should be crushed at any cost. We also dislike them. I am muslim and i also want to crush them. I am a supporter of them who are against isis.
I really hope that the ISIS terrorists enjoy the Ebola virus all they can……..
Morning prayers together can be so much better & very rewarding…..
Don’t forget to hug each other, …….the virus loves company…….
21 days & nites…… Gets your juices going….?
Better to share with all your Muslim families……..ENJOY!!!!
Good ISIS maybe it will wipe you out so we don’t have to worry about you.
That’s what those f@ckfaces get,.dumbas@es can’t even think of a good name for themselves,.sounds like some kinda Fkn back pain medicine,.whos laughing now as@clowns?,
Sounds like biological warfaire….the wickard shall burn………
Nuke them now!!!