ISIS suffered a couple of major setbacks this week as they not only contracted Ebola, but one of their new converts accidentally tweeted the locations of jihadist safe houses in Syria.
One can see exactly what the the Muslim belief is on the truism ‘You reap what you sow’…
I hope these Islamic Muslim murdering raping scum all die the cruel death that they have used on those who they have slaughtered!
Sandra wiesner obama was prepared to go to war with Syria, it was idiots like you why it didn’t happen.
Everything Muslim/Islam is offensive to the entire civilized world!
I hope they all die a slow and painful death
so why wouldnt they get the disease and come over here
Wasnt Obama wanting to go to war with Syria? Congress stoped it. Must not have been reported on truth and action or you’d all believe it. Oh and that’s right Bush went to war without congress approval then lied. But to you idiots that was constitutional and not grounds for impeachment. All he did was create lies that created war which cost trillions of dollars in for what? To rile up the middle east.
Sweet….. talk about Karma….and if one American Doctor goes there to help with the Ebola they should not be allowed back in the states.Natures was of ridding itself of a blight….let nature take it’s course.
Nature will do what Obama won’t do.
What goes around, comes around
Can we say bio-terrorism?