ISIS suffered a couple of major setbacks this week as they not only contracted Ebola, but one of their new converts accidentally tweeted the locations of jihadist safe houses in Syria.
One can see exactly what the the Muslim belief is on the truism ‘You reap what you sow’…
Good, god is working behind the scenes, takings care of these pukes.
Seems like god is working on this ISIS problem.
I hope they’ve been able to swiftly launch missiles and take them out. Which I’m sure our sympathetic media will not cover if they do. Another thing I thought of is what if that’s all a trick to target innocent civilians there in order to build more recruiting propaganda but I hope it’s just plain arrogant stupidity!
End times, book of Revalation stuff happening Linda. Look up for our redemption is coming quickly, but we must endure til that time and trust Him!
Blow that sucker up and kill as many terrorist as possible. Navy retired.
Karma. ..
Oh to kill them oh to kill them is a song of a good bowel movement.
LMAO !!!
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving terrorist group. Your Allah gave you Ebola, what’s that tell you…….
This a fact. They could be Russian Tanks payed for by US tax dollars. I would not put anything passed Obama to aid his Muslim BRO’s. Wait until ISIS starts closing in Saudi Arabia. That is just around the corner. Who is going to protect them then. The USA no longer needs their oil.