The Islamic State is taking credit for shooting down a Russian airliner that crashed in Sinai, killing over 200 passengers. There is some confusion as to how this was accomplished. Security experts believe the airliner could not have been shot down with the equipment used by militants in the area.
However, there is little to support that human error was involved in the crash at the moment. Either way, ISIS is taking credit, and, according to LiveLeak, Putin has evacuated personnel and advised Russian non-essential personnel to evacuate the region.
Putin held a secret meeting with NATO to alert them that he is considering a nuclear retaliation.
Get the details on page 2.
They done woke up the bear.
We as americans should blame obama
B.S. not true. Lies. Don’t believe everything you read on F.B.
Putin should just tell them not to do it again…..a wait that doesn’t work….catch a clue Obama
ISIS is trying to start another world war. Only thing they don’t understand is that they are messing with the wrong country. Putin will go after them in a big way. Russia has the capability to wipe that area ISIS occupies off this earth.
Think about what ypur saying! NUCLEAR!! Really!!!! What abput all our children.
Lightum up.
Here we go
Yes Putin will show who’s boss