The Islamic State is taking credit for shooting down a Russian airliner that crashed in Sinai, killing over 200 passengers. There is some confusion as to how this was accomplished. Security experts believe the airliner could not have been shot down with the equipment used by militants in the area.
However, there is little to support that human error was involved in the crash at the moment. Either way, ISIS is taking credit, and, according to LiveLeak, Putin has evacuated personnel and advised Russian non-essential personnel to evacuate the region.
Putin held a secret meeting with NATO to alert them that he is considering a nuclear retaliation.
Get the details on page 2.
I hope he does drop the big bomb.
Smoke them all Vladimir.
Most of you are retarded
The use of drones against terrorism was apparently to harsh due to its collateral damage, at one point 2 wars was a tremedous economical burden not to mentioned the loss personnel. Now what? People want action without force… good luck with that.
2 nukes stopped the Japanese. It saved many I’m not poisoned and I’m not speaking Japanese either.
Better order more virgins. Goats will do ..
Wish our leader would do the same oh I forgot he’s a Muslim
Where would he nuke at? It’s not like they are in one place
Unfu….kn believable
Clear out your people an drop the bomb get em all in one Big Bang! Come out from your caves drop another one till there’s nothing but hot shining sand that will glow for years!!