The Islamic State is taking credit for shooting down a Russian airliner that crashed in Sinai, killing over 200 passengers. There is some confusion as to how this was accomplished. Security experts believe the airliner could not have been shot down with the equipment used by militants in the area.
However, there is little to support that human error was involved in the crash at the moment. Either way, ISIS is taking credit, and, according to LiveLeak, Putin has evacuated personnel and advised Russian non-essential personnel to evacuate the region.
Putin held a secret meeting with NATO to alert them that he is considering a nuclear retaliation.
Get the details on page 2.
Please tell me this is real!!!
Glad to see that someone is willing to make a response that will show non-tolerance to this radical Islamic group.
Looks like ppl in the middle East will need some sun block ck soon
Go get em
ISIS takes credit for everything that happens in the world. Why? Because they are small, weak, and greatest weapon is fear. They aren’t really anybody. They’re the devil. Powered by hate, attention, and fear.
Non essential personnel evacuate? So the essential will be nuked also? Lol
plenty of idiots on this post. Putin is not the answer and a nuclear strike is irresponsible
Chris Ryan
Obumass will give Russia 10 trillion dollars not to bomb them Russia needs to send the KGB to Washington and clean up our mess cause the senate and congress don’t have what it takes between their legs to do it!!!