ISIS has claimed responsibility for the ferocious attacks that occurred yesterday in Paris, which have left over 150 dead. ISIS has said this is only “the start of the storm,” ominously promising further attacks in the future.
The statement said the reason for the attacks was for “idolatry” and the “perversion” of the French people as well as France’s participation in the conflict in Syria.
ISIS has issued promises of further attacks following their statement claiming responsibility for the attacks in Paris, calling upon the Muslim population of France and other Western countries to attack the “infidels.” ISIS then said there were arms as well as “poison,” as well as a list of targets that ISIS would want to see killed or destroyed.
While ISIS may think they can convert more people to their cause, the attacks in Paris seem to have only strengthened the resolve of people everywhere against their brand of evil.
Find out more about the ISIS statements on page 2.
Coming to Washington …did obama really think he was immune??????
They are sons of Ordogan Turkish president/Tamim AmirQater
Well, we have already heard BHO speak after the Paris attacks and he infatically stated, Climate Change is the enemy and a security threat. It’s more of a threat than ISIS, since ISIS is shrinking. So, Obama, keep pushing your agenda, and the American people will show you their agenda. Give me a Hell Yeah, Obama must go!!!!!
and our president is letting them in by the thousands. notice there aren’t any women and children.
You can thank the liberals for this c**p. They manipulated the low info voters to elect this muslim piece of c**p twice and the only redeaming thing about it is that they will be the first to die.
it will be “Open Season” on goathumping murderers if they come to upstate NY….
Will the Muslim hunting season coincide with deer season or is it going to be no closed season-no bag limits?
Washington ,eh?
Coming soon, get ready, Mslim hunting season will be from Dec.26 to Dec. 24 Closed for Christmas. LOL>