ISIS has claimed responsibility for the ferocious attacks that occurred yesterday in Paris, which have left over 150 dead. ISIS has said this is only “the start of the storm,” ominously promising further attacks in the future.
The statement said the reason for the attacks was for “idolatry” and the “perversion” of the French people as well as France’s participation in the conflict in Syria.
ISIS has issued promises of further attacks following their statement claiming responsibility for the attacks in Paris, calling upon the Muslim population of France and other Western countries to attack the “infidels.” ISIS then said there were arms as well as “poison,” as well as a list of targets that ISIS would want to see killed or destroyed.
While ISIS may think they can convert more people to their cause, the attacks in Paris seem to have only strengthened the resolve of people everywhere against their brand of evil.
Find out more about the ISIS statements on page 2.
These are obamas n Clinton friends!
Sorry people!
I know it’s sensitive but I can’t hold back anymore!
The terror attack this evening in Paris was horrible! Families have been destroyed and the devastation is horrific! I know how they feel, anyone who lives in Israel knows what it feels like to live through terror attacks.
The French government has been condemning Israel at every chance they had! While we are sending our condolences and support to France, they didn’t even bother to cover the attack on Friday when a Jewish father and son were gunned down by Muslim terrorists! France took Hamas off the terrorist list and instead started marking goods produced by Jews in Judea and Samaria!
It is the French government who has been condemning Israel for fighting the same radical Islamic organizations that attacked Paris!
what do you call the reactions (or the lack of) from the French government when Israel has been under attack day in and day out?! Should I call for restraint? Should I give credit to the claims ISIS is using to justify this terror
Israel warned France and the rest of the world of the effect of radical Islam! We tried to explain who and what we are fighting but they would not listen!
We told them this was not about land or occupation but they didn’t listen! They pressured us to make deals with those who shoot us, blow us up and stab us and when we refuse to do so, they condemn us!
We warned them that this is about a radical culture that has no respect for life, but they ignored us and shook their finger at us for fighting the same radical Islamic ideology that attacked Paris. Only we fight it every day!
So here is the Israeli flag!
The one that is fighting radical Islamic terror every day!
The flag that is condemned and yelled at from every international podium for fighting the same evil that murdered over 130 of French innocent civilians.
well at least they are targeting Washington!!!
Carlos Arreguin , you are NOT being mutual at all, you are being blind and stupid, ans just like you, thats my opinion! the only good muzzie is a DEAD muzzie, and for your sake, you need to remove your blinders!!!
They are coming, if not already here! Lock and load, folks, its going to be a wild, wild ride!
Bring it On, you satanic-scum…..and meet your virgins….NOW….
Butt Obama has them contained…
This comment though
come get some
I can see im goin blind, why?? Cause a true martyr will NOT speak before it acts. When ISIS speaks, people take it personal. But why??? Do u know what i take personal?? How America, with its strong military power, had left many hummers, tankers, weapons in Iraq with the doors wide open and the keys inside. ISIS were taking pictures while riding American tankers and hummers!!! Who does that???
I completely agree. We’re going to have to take our country and communities back from the local level up! We’ll need to rely on our local militias and whatnot. The problem is, once Obama et al discover what we’re up to, we’re going to have serious conflicts on our hands. I presume we’ll be fighting troops from overseas as well as Wahhabi insurgents here in this country! I doubt any of them will be donning blue lids, either! Keep a close eye on the terrorist training camps here in the states – not the least of which is near Hancock, New York!