ISIS has claimed responsibility for the ferocious attacks that occurred yesterday in Paris, which have left over 150 dead. ISIS has said this is only “the start of the storm,” ominously promising further attacks in the future.
The statement said the reason for the attacks was for “idolatry” and the “perversion” of the French people as well as France’s participation in the conflict in Syria.
ISIS has issued promises of further attacks following their statement claiming responsibility for the attacks in Paris, calling upon the Muslim population of France and other Western countries to attack the “infidels.” ISIS then said there were arms as well as “poison,” as well as a list of targets that ISIS would want to see killed or destroyed.
While ISIS may think they can convert more people to their cause, the attacks in Paris seem to have only strengthened the resolve of people everywhere against their brand of evil.
Find out more about the ISIS statements on page 2.
as soon as it starts in America, they will be making any and all of their bretheren targets by every real American here, they should think before attacking us again.
One shot one kill Semper fi
Come to Papa you miserable bstards
Of that you can be sure. Obama’s JV team is definitely scheduled for a visit here at the invitation of the White house and the Shadow Government which controls it. The good news is that after 911 and the latest false flag in Paris, Americans are wising up and will not be so accepting of the lies this time. It is all about the government grabbing more power and eliminating more civil liberties in order to create an official NWO.
Why are we ignoring the potential isis threat (at least 23 compounds at last count) here in our country?
Maybe Obama will go to France and try to take their guñs?
we the people will give them a fight.
Don’t you like how they hide their faces ???
Merkel is sabotaging Germany and Europe to the Islamics Sharia.
If Osama-Obama is going to flood the nation unopposed by Congress and dispute of the vast majority against and in spite of the court rulings against with an army of illegals and Islamics to overthrow the country, with his mosques and safe havens building arsenals, as he nationalizes one police force after another into his Gestapo, then the Citizens need to each build their own arsenals.
ISIS Releases Statement: We Have Already Smuggled Four Thousand ISIS Fighters Into Western Nations, Disguising Themselves As Refugees, And They Will be Executing Major Attacks.