ISIS has claimed responsibility for the ferocious attacks that occurred yesterday in Paris, which have left over 150 dead. ISIS has said this is only “the start of the storm,” ominously promising further attacks in the future.
The statement said the reason for the attacks was for “idolatry” and the “perversion” of the French people as well as France’s participation in the conflict in Syria.
ISIS has issued promises of further attacks following their statement claiming responsibility for the attacks in Paris, calling upon the Muslim population of France and other Western countries to attack the “infidels.” ISIS then said there were arms as well as “poison,” as well as a list of targets that ISIS would want to see killed or destroyed.
While ISIS may think they can convert more people to their cause, the attacks in Paris seem to have only strengthened the resolve of people everywhere against their brand of evil.
Find out more about the ISIS statements on page 2.
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country.
I am ready to do away with any scuslim. Death! Death to all f**e American’s.
Well we didn’t need a psychic to tell us that this is going to happen. It’s only a matter of days or hours now.
The truth needs to be known !!!! Deport all Muslims !!!!
The real truth, what do you think ?????
There it is !!!!
Bring it on Sandnigger
And watch Muslim blood flow in American streets if you do!
For years at least since 2008 the citizens of France have tried to warn the Government of the danger in bringing muslims into the nation …they were charged with hate speech …and more muslims came in …now it would appear the people were right all along . The USA needs to take heed of the danger and stop Obama from importing these barbarians they are eager to destroy our way of life.
Attack them now. Eradicate them.