Savage, primitive, uncivilized, barbarian are all synonymous with ISIS and the newest demonstration of their retrogressive ways recently occurred in the Syrian city of Palmyra. Jihadists blew up the ancient Temple of Baal Shamin, because of what they perceive as idols in “caliphate”territory.
Read more about the destruction of this ancient “pearl of the desert” on the Next Page:
Mark Kasikantiris is an Isis supporter! Get em!
I believe that by all the actions that Obama has taken in freeing moslems from prison and protecting moslem terrorists .by treating their acts as “work place violence”, when he invited Bergdole’s parents to the rose garden and many concessions that he made to the palestinians, that he in truth is a moslem and that he wants to see Israel wiped off the face of the earth and Christianity abolished. Above all of this he has p$#%&!@*ed his “executive orders” that have destroying our economy, our military might and the moral fiber of the United States. His actions have brought more division in our country between white and black and brown than any “president” (I use this term lightly) that was before him.
Looks like what the blacks are doing with the history of the south.
Bottom line is.. Both groups were created by the same banking elite families… No wonder they both destroy history.. They want us to repeat our past. If we don’t know it, we’ll repeat it.. Look at America now, look at Germany when $#%&!@* came on the scene.. Same thing, different era. We are going to repeat it, because we were not taught the truth about it..
The winds of chage are brewing to oppose a repeat of history…VOTE TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!
Richard Olson, you are completely ignoring the fact that we have been bombing ISIS under Obamas order for months now. What are you talking about? How can you know we are bombing the hell out of them, and still somehow think we aren’t? Don’t you feel cognitive dissonance? And I understand that you don’t worship any pagan gods, but don’t you have any regards to human history? I don’t understand how you can be okay with destroying these old temples unless you don’t feel secure in the power of your God and actually think of pagan gods as a threat to yours.
Regardless of any religious affiliation these buildings are a testament to human progress. Structures of beauty and history being destroyed. If the Vatican was being desecrated it would be different. I’d be appalled of either of these things happening.
They are not idiots but removing remnants that are from other beliefs. They are using religion to control their subjects. All government needs to eliminate ideas that could destroy it. Look here with political correctness. It is a way to force conformity. Destroying our religious beliefs. Our second amendment is always under fire. Our economic system is hated because private weather should be owned by government. We have the same thing in a more insidious way
Tom Moore Islam Catholicism and Judaism are abrahamic religions and stem from eagcother. Islam is the oldest religion in the world predating Catholicism. Christianity came after Catholicism. The Romans who crucified Christ were Catholics, they converted from “paganism” to Catholicism by the Vatican. Jesus was Hebrew. He gained his following during his lifetime and upon his resurrection. Your statement was completely inaccurate.