While Democrats sit on the floor in the House of Representatives, refusing to move until something is done about gun control in the United States, the real problem is continuing to fester. If you look at the last two mass shootings to occur in America, you’ll notice they had one thing in common, ISIS. So those who say that Islam is a religion of peace need to stop lying to themselves and open their eyes. The blood being spilled on American soil in the name of Allah might as well be on their hands.
The media will report on incidents like the Orlando shooting and the Democratic “protest” in the House, but they won’t report on things like ISIS beheading a little girl in front of her mother in the streets of Raqqa. After a mother told her four-year-old daughter to go home and she refused, she said under her breath that if she didn’t go home, she would behead her. Mighty strong figure of speech, but nothing was meant by it. When a member of ISIS heard this, he told her that since she swore to God, she needed to do it.
How’s that for religious extremism?
Read what happened on the next page.
Actually ISIS was created by Israel in 1982 by the Israeli Special Intelligence Service
The cancer of all humanity. They should be exterminated, all of them. Bath Islam in pigs blood and bury it all.
0bama,you need to fire your boys.Nobody is gonna help them after Jan 20th.
Are government need to make him Leave the White House now. He evil?
Religion of peace my$#%&!@*their fucking savages
Most were train right here in America by our government for years
Karl L. Aynedter your full of it Obama is the creater and killary helpped him
The best way we can show them is by voting like we did and putting people in the Whitehouse that understand al of this.They have been brainwashed to believe what Obama wanted them to believe .All along he has been selling out America and our people prove that.Just look at these lost children without their leader anymore.Thats why they are acting like this.programming them to not think for themselves.They have Govt experiments that practice how to do mind control.looks like they succeeded finally.
How sick. Everyone of ISIS should be wiped off the face of the earth. They are murderers and will be going to hell. We should help them on their way.
Oh Boy… Joshua Wantland… You hit that nail right on the head…