After ISIS released a video showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians on Sunday, Obama, in his typical response to such atrocities, went golfing. He also tweeted a picture of him playing basketball that promoted Obamacare, never mentioning the murders.
In the video of the beheadings, an ISIS spokesman, who spoke with a North American accent, used the word ‘crusaders’ to describe their enemies. You might recall that not 2 weeks ago Obama referred to the Crusades, stating “during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”
Well thats where the boys are.
Donald Hughes Bush made the American military so powerful that NO country ever $#%&!@*ed with America !! Iraq tryed 4th largest army in the world 10 thousand tanks !! America with Bush as President took that country in 2 months !! With Bush as President the world was scared to Death of America !! Fear is POWER !!!!
This is what I this of Obama and his brotherhood of $#%&!@*’s
So …..white Christians burned hung and murdered Natives and Africans….while other white Christian males sucked $#%&!@* and got drunk
He shows with no doubt where his priorities are. HINT- anything that points to the acts committed by muslim believers that commit acts that brings terror to orhers is
Obamas MO
Of course people bring race into the comments when it isn’t about race. When will it end.