After ISIS released a video showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians on Sunday, Obama, in his typical response to such atrocities, went golfing. He also tweeted a picture of him playing basketball that promoted Obamacare, never mentioning the murders.
In the video of the beheadings, an ISIS spokesman, who spoke with a North American accent, used the word ‘crusaders’ to describe their enemies. You might recall that not 2 weeks ago Obama referred to the Crusades, stating “during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”
Obama can be blamed for alot of things, but this is not one of them. There have been plenty of presidents who have taken time off during crucial times,,,,not to mention congress and their recesses.
Just sorry he was not one of the 21., He is nothing but a traitor to our country out to destroy us, but then again he is Muslim not a Christian so they would let him go.
Eisenhower, the Bushes, and Clinton all golfed during crises. As usual blame the black guy
And the difference is…?
Waste of a Human.
0ur testing is not to see how strong or how weak we are. God knows we can not bear / endure all of the horrible things that we encounter in this world, and we have to “humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, and cast all of our anxieties and fears upon Him calling upon our Father who is in heaven for help and His strength, because the devil is right there to temp us to doubt God’s goodness and love for us. He has been doing that ever since he did it to Adam and Eve. There is nothing new under the sun. We have to have God’s word and His strength and help so we can “resist the devil, strong in our faith when horrible things happen to us.. God’s way of escape for us when we are tempted is to call upon Him to help us. Or we will let the Devil lead us into his way of escape for us, we have to have something to help take away our hurt and pain us, so if we don’t trust God, we ::: might lie and steal to get things and money, immoral sex to make us happy. Wrong friends that help lead us astray from God , alcohol, to many pain pills, drugs . AND GOD IS SO GOOD TO FORGIVE US AND START US NEW WHEN WE GO ASTRAY, IF WE FAIL TO DEPEND AND TRUST HIM THROUGH BEING TEMPTED. SEE 1 PETER 5:6-11
Ovomit is an embarr$#%&!@*ing $#%&!@*
Isis is where ? Not in America nor harming any of our allies so $#%&!@* it. For once we need to mind our own business and worry about is not some 3rd world country that no one gives a damn about. That’s why so many countries hate us because we can’t mind our own damn business
This site is called truth and addiction but you filter everything I say seems to me you folks hide from the truth