After ISIS released a video showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians on Sunday, Obama, in his typical response to such atrocities, went golfing. He also tweeted a picture of him playing basketball that promoted Obamacare, never mentioning the murders.
In the video of the beheadings, an ISIS spokesman, who spoke with a North American accent, used the word ‘crusaders’ to describe their enemies. You might recall that not 2 weeks ago Obama referred to the Crusades, stating “during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”
that’s his way of showing islam hes supporting them ..and bankrupting us ,weakening military and borders..its time justice was served..treason is no joke..enforce the cons$#%&!@*ution upon every allower in congress immediately for high treason
He’s writing his own pardon as we speak. Why you think he wants to shut down Gitmo? He knows that’s where he’ll be sitting in orange pantsuit. Now, who will crease his s$#%&!@*y pant legs then? Whomever it is, our tax dollars will pay for it.
He is US president. & not world president ok
If your not sick of him yet, why?
Resign now or face Treason later !
Piece of c**p
Your wrong, Vic
Yeah Obama needs to be everywhere stopping everything bad, just like Bush. Oh yeah, Bush MADE EVERYTHING BAD!
Guess his way of saying he teed off about the news report.