This video covers several points that support the idea that our president is behind the rise of ISIS and the new attempt to create an Islamic Caliphate, destroying the West in the process.
Some points include:
– Obama has been arming Al-Qaeda in Syria and Benghazi.
– Obama has Muslim Brotherhood members in his administration, even one who openly supports the creation of an Islamic Caliphate.
– Somehow Obama only found out about the 40,000 ISIS army crossing over into Iraq by watching TV.
– CIA director John Brennan has been giving Jihad groups weapons for years, which ISIS now utilizes
The Muslim Brotherhood has sworn to destroy our country from within. Obama has not only supplied our enemies with arms, he has released the worst terrorists from prison, now wants to give $500M to Al-Qaeda in Syria, has created the flood of illegals entering our country that the government acknowledges contains terrorists, etc etc etc
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He a friggin muslim, of course he supports isis and islam
he’s christian
Please, he is not christian, he is a muslim… he has said in interviews ( before he ran for pres) referring to his muslim faith and his homeland of kenya. he is a liar and a traitor. he funds isis, he has given iraq and afghanistan over to terrorist. he is the manchuria candidate, only morons cant see this.
he is one who loves all religion and swears to the koran and the bible , you can not do both as Christian. he swore in to the office this way.
Does Obama trust the Lord Jesus (2nd member of the Trinity) as Savior, so that he “knows” if he died today he would go to Heaven? Proof? Why did he speak of his Muslim religion?
Where did you read that at? Do you also think he is an american?
Are you really surprised by this?
Would not surprise me at all…Obama isn’t for America!!
Totally agree with you. What is scary is what will he do when he leaves office. Maybe he will move out of our country……
Just because Obama has people in his press, or whatever who are Muslims, it does not mean that he is part of the ISIS. What! now we can’t have Muslim friends? Is that right to be generalized in such a way. And I don’t believe that the Muslims are trying to destroy the US. If that was the case, why wouldn’t we already be destroyed. Their religion is about tolerance and peace, they don’t hurt anyone, except for the ISIS. That is a different case. But by this video it really criticizes the religion of Islam. Just because you are friends, with a Muslim doesn’t mean that s/he is a ISIS or something. Not everyone is the same. We need to see through our right perspective. Obama being part of the ISIS is just a rumor. Its like saying, I have a friend who is Russian, who I’m magically part of the russian mafia.
Tiara, my grandparents always told me “Believe nothing that you hear, and 1/2 of what you see” I have seen too much evidence that Obama IS NOT OUR FRIEND! I ask you to really do your research, and quit LISTENING to the defenders of Obama, and try and figure out why they are “LYING” about Obama. What do we know that you don’t.
Wake up. He and them cannot be trusted.
Listen to you lol, gonna guess your dumb ass is muslim huh? Or one of them black pride trying to convince yourself and everyone else it wasn’t a bad idea to put him in office. Tell your overjoyed self you love everyone when you are about to get killed by one of these jihads that Obama let’s in
YUSUFALI: Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah.
PICKTHAL: Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking (as it were) security. Allah biddeth you beware (only) of Himself. Unto Allah is the journeying.
SHAKIR: Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully; and Allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to Allah is the eventual coming.
He is sympathetic to the islamic state and refuses to admit the ones killing are muslim. dont be blind
You might be correct but these facts above have good points. ISIS gets guns and ammunition from who? US!! Also, why do you think obama has that information about the cross of those sryians? hmmm
Seriously? Number one, it’s more difficult than you would think to destroy a nation, especially one that’s more armed than you are. So, no America wouldn’t be destroyed by now.
Islam is the religion of peace? Then why does the name “Islam” mean submission? Not just that but ALL through the Islam texts, they talk about Muhammad himself leading over 60 war campaigns against “non believers”, encouraging his soldiers to kill, and rape. It even allows men to take sex slaves for themselves. It encourages men to be like Mohammed. Did you know that for about 30 years after Mohammed, there was nothing but war within Islam. They are NOT a religion of peace. Now I’m not saying ALL are like that, but no, Islam is NOT a religion of peace. Do try to speak for yourself and not repeat what others say. im saying what I’m saying because I have done my own research to reach my own conclusions. Listen to both sides and find out what is truth and what is not. I have Muslim friends that are genuinely nice people, and I don’t judge them by their religion, but by their actions. My own cousin married a woman who’s half Iranian. I have no problems with people in general, or their religion. But just DONT spout off about things you don’t know of except through Obama and other Liberals, even republicans. America is my country and if anyone tries to take that away from me (including The POTUS) I will fight to my last breath. Remember, patriotism means standing by your country, that does not necessarily include your president.
Tiara, yoy obviously missed the part where he said “supported an Islam calphite” you are so simple and closed minded. Keep believing what you want to believe, but you sound dumb.
In 2010 Obama administration approach Argentina President and want them to import oil to isis aka Iran smh…..
Religion of peace? look what going on around the World check out Se-Asia countires like thailand Philippine indonesia and Malaysia smh………..
obama is a mslum and strapts c4 to his chest
you really are blind aren’t you??? if he isn’t helping isis why would he release terrorists from Guantanamo bay who ended up starting the isis group. lol that’s proof enough plus everything else that is going on today its all so obvious
obama is isis,must be taken out
he i playing right into there hands. He is a puppet being told what to do with an agenda to destroy this nation.
Poor naive one. How much more do you need, Polyanna? American blindness and trust is so idealistic in the face of reality. The reality is, whether you like it or not, you really do have to discriminate against certain people and certain beliefs. When a religion wants to wipe out civilization, all the “good ones” dont really matter. It will be your kids or theirs to die. Wake up. It may not be right, but it’s true. Dont forget that.
Obama has clearly sided with the Muslim world since he has been in office.
His interests are not with the United States.
He took an oath to defend his country.
That country is not America.
George Vreeland Hill