This video covers several points that support the idea that our president is behind the rise of ISIS and the new attempt to create an Islamic Caliphate, destroying the West in the process.
Some points include:
– Obama has been arming Al-Qaeda in Syria and Benghazi.
– Obama has Muslim Brotherhood members in his administration, even one who openly supports the creation of an Islamic Caliphate.
– Somehow Obama only found out about the 40,000 ISIS army crossing over into Iraq by watching TV.
– CIA director John Brennan has been giving Jihad groups weapons for years, which ISIS now utilizes
The Muslim Brotherhood has sworn to destroy our country from within. Obama has not only supplied our enemies with arms, he has released the worst terrorists from prison, now wants to give $500M to Al-Qaeda in Syria, has created the flood of illegals entering our country that the government acknowledges contains terrorists, etc etc etc
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This man is a manchurian president, intent on destroying America. That is his one and only agenda.
Guess what would be a bullet worth more than 50 trillions dollars !
hint: one that goes through the POS/marxist/muslim/f@ggot and *( not able to play golf) in the white house…….* this will actually offend it 🙂
fm says:
“The military? You mean the bootlickers in the Pentagon who say they’d have not problem ordering their troops to fire on Americans? As for the troops’ loyalty: Remember Waco.”
I don’t need to see a video to know Obama is a representative of the Muslim Brotherhood. Now arrest and incarcerate those who allowed this!
Hes the devil in plain site.
This Is War.
Sure BHO, Barry Soetoro, or whoever he really is, fully supports and backs ISIS and the Muslim complete takeover of America. Anyone who can’t see how he hates America by now must be totally blind and deaf.
The worst president you have ever had with out doubt
join this fresh group buddies, this is very different among others, very soon very will offer you a business here, quiz competition, and lot more will come. fresh things are in this one, nothing old is here. so don’t wait just join this. (3days left in 1st announcement about business)
So hard to keep all the secrets and false flags from being exposed with social media and most people carrying camera phones and ipods.