Is the First Lady actually the first, First Man?
This issue has mostly been that of only a few speculators until Joan Rivers brought it into the mainstream when she told the world that Barack is gay and Michelle is a transgender…she died from a relatively simple medical procedure not too long afterwards.
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Moochelle is hardly a woman at all,
really who cares? we have so much to really worry about.
She looks like a tranny
Did the aliens tell y’all this? When you were asking about how Obama came from out of country? And they were like “oh well he’s gay too and Michelle is a man”
I don’t know why did you find her balls
Having man’s hands convinced me…
really? WTF are you people thinking? are you really THAT hateful?
The First Nasty Family in US history
So dee I guest this is the first nasty family in history because they are black you people need to check your heart it’s black full of hate
Nobody said anything about them being nasty for being black. they’re referring to them being gay you had to make the race factor visible for no reason. Maybe you have the problem with them being black
It became a race thing when certain white ppl said in there comments obama should be killed and I hate them. Hate is a strong word and honestly me as a man can tell you she is far from a ugly first lady we have seen alotta first ladies closer to a man than her be for real.
he’s a man