Is the First Lady actually the first, First Man?
This issue has mostly been that of only a few speculators until Joan Rivers brought it into the mainstream when she told the world that Barack is gay and Michelle is a transgender…she died from a relatively simple medical procedure not too long afterwards.
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Mr & Mr Obama
I guess I must be a male. My ring finger is definitely longer than my pointer finger! What a bunch of baloney! Don’t give this as fact when it isn’t true. I am not a fan of Obama, but I hate it when people say untrue things!
Totally agree with you. We need to concentrate on those things that make a difference in our own life, not gossip column c**p.
no shes a transvestite
Miss Obama may I call you Michael?
She’s a dick face can’t you tell.
You guys are stupid. This entire thing is stupid as hell. Poke bigger eyeholes in your sheets. She’s a woman and you’re all just looking for stuff to rag on Obama about
I don’t even like him but this is stupid
Thats a man baby!!!!!!
This is bull. It don’t help to call her a man. I can’t stand the obamas but this is ridiculous