Is the First Lady actually the first, First Man?
This issue has mostly been that of only a few speculators until Joan Rivers brought it into the mainstream when she told the world that Barack is gay and Michelle is a transgender…she died from a relatively simple medical procedure not too long afterwards.
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I can’t stand to watch!
Michele now can use the men’s room ; )
I’m sorry I don’t like them either but if you’re main argument is her shoulders I got on name for you “Rowdy” Rhonda Rousey for the shoulder argument on first video
This story is pure stupid and I’m not an Obama fan either.
Why are their records sealed hmmmmmmm because they are a fraud!
Is he saying he is that long?
Why not ? Her husband is gay!!!
ha ha show me YOUR records 😉
dar says:
“I guess I must be a male. My ring finger is definitely longer than my pointer finger! What a bunch of baloney! Don’t give this as fact when it isn’t true. I am not a fan of Obama, but I hate it when people say untrue things!”
Dear Mr. West why haven’t you and our Military commanders arrested Obama in the name of the Unites States Military. Just like they had to do in Egypt when the leader called himself a Dictator and threw out their Constitution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m pissed and have a hard time of holding my tongue over this tyrant of the United States of America.