Is the First Lady actually the first, First Man?
This issue has mostly been that of only a few speculators until Joan Rivers brought it into the mainstream when she told the world that Barack is gay and Michelle is a transgender…she died from a relatively simple medical procedure not too long afterwards.
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ben says:
“Well youre an idiot lol”
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Ugly anti-american free loading fool.
definitely NOT a lady in any sense of the word!
OHHH Yes, they have “kids” but where did they come from?? Anyone ever see pic’s of her pregnant? Or when the girls were little? There are no pics of them, until they walked in and said “hey Dad, we are here”!!
Alex…please do not call Obama a $#%&!@*…he does not have the warmth or the depth to qualify for that either!!
Joan was not joking. She was very serious.
Would it matter if She is Transgendered? She and I aren’t having sexual relationships, so why would I care? Oh, I don’t, and wouldn’t care if she were Transgendered.
She look like a man.